A qualitative analysis of the elements used by palliative care clinicians when formulating a survival estimateRose Clarkson, Debbie Selby, Jeff Myers
30 November 2012
Congruence between preferred and actual place of death according to the presence of malignant or non-malignant disease: a systematic review and meta-analysisMatthew James Billingham, Sarah-Jane Billingham
22 January 2013
Public attitudes to death and dying in the UK: a review of published literatureKaren Cox, Lydia Bird, Anthony Arthur, Sheila Kennedy, Kristian Pollock, Arun Kumar, Wendy Stanton, Jane Seymour
2 November 2012
Patients' reports or clinicians' assessments: which are better for prognosticating?Paddy Stone, Bridget Gwilliam, Vaughan Keeley, Chris Todd, Matthew Gittins, Laura Kelly, Stephen Barclay, Chris Roberts
31 May 2012
Management of cancer-associated thrombosis in people with advanced diseaseSimon Noble, Miriam J Johnson
29 February 2012
Subcutaneous furosemide in advanced heart failure: has clinical practice run ahead of the evidence base?James M Beattie, Miriam J Johnson
29 November 2011
Editor's choiceBill Noble
1 December 2011
Increased mortality in parents bereaved in the first year of their child's lifeMairi Harper, Rory C O'Connor, Ronan E O'Carroll
1 September 2011
Editor's choiceBill Noble
1 September 2011
Hospital cancer deaths: late diagnosis and missed opportunityJM Blaney, G Crawford, TR Elder, G Johnston, AT Gavin
24 August 2011